giovedì 11 giugno 2015


Dipingere con amore può fare la differenza?
Riordino il mio lavoro prima dell'arrivo di Valentina e delle mie nipotine e trovo due lavori molto rapidi, quasi degli abbozzi...
ALICE-18 months old-RitaVaselliWatercolor
Guardando oggi questi due fogli leggeri mi sembra di trovare nel mio dipinto i segni dell'affetto che mi lega a queste persone care e  la testimonianza del tempo che è passato.
I capelli sottili di Alice adesso sono folti ed il suo viso ha tratti più decisi.
Valentina è diventata una donna ed una mamma, oggi il suo viso esprime grande dolcezza e grande forza.
In questo ritratto è ancora la mia ragazza arcobaleno, che sorride immersa nei suoi sogni.
Painting with love can make a difference?
I find two portraits, tidying my studio before arrival of Valentina and my granddaughters, painted very fast, almost sketches 2010 and 2014.

Rainbow in my life, Valentina dreaming and smiling
Looking now these two sheets, I can see clear signs of love that binds me to Alice and Valentina, beyond time passing.
The thin hair of Alice are now thick and her face has features more determined.
Valentina became a woman and a mother, today her face expresses great sweetness and great strength.
In this image, she is still my daughter-rainbow, smiling immersed in her dreams.

27 commenti:

  1. Wonderful portraits, Rita! Yes, love makes a difference, it shows!

  2. Both of these portraits are lovely Rita! Your love for your family shines through in your words and painting!! Hugs!!

    1. When we are far away, I try not to give in to nostalgia, I do other thoughts ... but now it is almost time to go back neighbors ... so Nostalgia is
      allowed! Hugs,dear Hilda.

  3. Family is the centre of the universe. Lovely portraits showing your love for your lovely girls: Confucius said, "One picture is worth 10,000 words"

    1. As paint is a congenial way for me to spend my time, when the family is away I prefer to play with my granddaughters. I bought a book on color painting theory in history of art,written by a teacher for students of italian painting Academy.
      This will be all my painting for the next two months ... even reposition ideas and concepts of art in patterns of proven validity, I believe it will be helpful ... if not to improve art, for falling asleep before !!!

  4. Rita-just gorgeous portraits of your granddaughter and her mother. The love for them pours off the page. So glad you shared these. Hope your visit will be wonderful. Hugs

    1. This visit is proof that great distance may mutate into a great closeness ... when that 2015 is over, we can say we have been together about a third of it ... and this closeness is so total, 24 hours 24, that the family ties remain very strong.
      We must accept big presence and big absence.
      By now I have learned that painting and blogging support are invaluable to my emotional balance, thanks to friends, sweet as you, dear Debbie!

  5. Menudos apuntes Rita, toda una maravilla lleno de sentimiento, alegria y buen hacer como todas tus obras.
    Magnifico, me alegro muchísimo y me uno a tu alegría por la vuelta de los tuyos deseando que disfrutes con ellos y les des tanto bueno como nos das a nosotros.
    Ellos se merecen muchísimo mas, se que lo tendrán.
    Lleva contigo un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo para todos los tuyos.

    1. Caro Eusebio, la famiglia è un punto centrale del nostro universo e vivere periodi di vicinanza anche lunghi permette di mantenere vivi i legami.
      Quando siamo vicini accade di vivere sotto lo stesso tetto per molte settimane di seguito,e la vita cambia completamente... le nostre nipotine si aspettano dai nonni festa continua con la fresca energìa dei bambini. Spero che sia una estate indimenticabile,diventiamo ancora una volta nonni!!! Auguro anche a te una bella estate insieme alle persone che ami. Grazie delle tue belle parole, un affettuoso abbraccio;Rita

  6. Risposte
    1. Thanks dear Lorraine...daughter and her daughters are as jewels in my life.

  7. Beautiful tribute of the love of a mother to her daughter and her daughters.
    You are one of the most beautiful and loving women I know.

    1. Oh, thanks Julie, you make me blush!
      I like to create, and live pleasant situations around me, when it is just possible to do so.
      In blogland it seems to be possible because here is conditioned by me, as blogger.
      Shame not to have magic wand to improve the state of joy on the planet, but when we do our possible, at least we know that bad things can happen, but they do not depend on us.

  8. Your words are as beautiful as your paintings

    1. Thanks!
      Words such as colors are an expression to communicate between us.
      This is a true lovely thing dear Polly. I also love your humor and your painting, both, in watercolor and words!

  9. Deux beaux portraits, peints avec amour.
    Bravo, chère Rita !
    Je te souhaite un merveilleux week-end.
    Bisous :)

    1. Merci cher Olivier, tu me fais rougir!
      Bon week-end à toi aussi
      Gros Bisous, Rita

  10. Non ne fai molti ritratti, e secondo me ne dovresti fare molti di più, ci sei proprio portata , sono bellissimi tutti e due. Abbraccio e buon weekend.

    1. Cara Jane per me i ritratti sono momenti particolari che accadono ogni tanto...nel futuro spero di avere più occasioni per dedicarmi a questo campo tanto bello ...quanto impegnativo se si desidera la somiglianza con una persona precisa! Abbraccio e buona fine del fine settimana, nonostante la pioggia.

  11. Painting with love does make a huge difference, dear Rita. Emotions are the best guide for the artists's brushes and the best inspiration. I can see your love and affection in these portraits, they are beautiful!

    1. Thanks dear Blaga! I hope you are well.
      I always felt so much love in your beautiful family portraits!!!
      Happy summer time!

  12. Preciosos trabajos Rita,y yo creo que todo lo que se hace con amor sale mejor sin lugar a dudas.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Grazie cara Tina. Le mie ragazze ora sono tutte qui...che tempo meraviglioso!!! Un abbraccio affettuoso,Rita.

  13. Ah portraits, so cool Dear Rita, that you did these. They are so clean and fresh and yes the love makes them special.

    1. Almost sketches,but in a mysterious manner,achieved...
      Painting is always a bit mystery.

  14. Querida Rita. Son dos bocetos llenos de ternura y me gustan mucho. Te deseo mucha felicidad con tu amada familia :)
    Un abrazo fuerte y feliz fin de semana, Sonia.


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