Un gallerista che ha apprezzato qualcosa dei miei acquerelli mi ha chiesto se, oggi, ha senso dipingere fiori, in un mondo così violento.
Mi ha sollecitato a dichiarare perchè dipingo spesso fiori e quale è il messaggio dentro la mia pittura.
Io non dipingo i fiori in quanto creature gentili e belle, che muoiono dopo una breve vita ...
Nella cultura occidentale i fiore (come i frutti )sono simbolo di vanitas, qualcosa che non ha permanenza.
I miei fiori invece sono un simbolo di forza e di bellezza che può avere vita breve, in apparenza, ma che ritorna ad ogni stagione, portando un messaggio di rinascita e di eternità. I fiori sono i miei simboli di permanenza e di guarigione.
Io non ho lo scopo di indicare i fiori con precisione scientifica, cerco piuttosto di dipingere la presenza dei fiori, come stati della mia mente, dentro la natura.
A volte ai fiori si può togliere la loro bella apparenza per dipingere emozioni diverse.
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UNEXPECTED - RitaVaselli Watercolor - Ink - Pastel on Canson Montval (15"x19") |
Una passeggiata nel verde, fili d'erba nel vento, fiori senza nome si manifestano come dentro un sogno, inattesi, tra macchie di colore e di inchiostro nella luce del primo giorno di primavera.
Nonostante il mondo possa a causa degli uomini diventare un inferno, dipingo fiori perchè non perdo la speranza.
Da millenni, sopra le sciagure umane sorge il sole e ogni anno primavera ritorna.
Da millenni, sopra le sciagure umane sorge il sole e ogni anno primavera ritorna.
A gallery owner who has enjoyed some of my watercolors told me what sense does it paint flower, today, in this world of violence
I had to explain him why I paint flowers so often and which message into my works.
I do not paint flowers as gentle creatures and beautiful, that die easily.
In Western culture the flowers (as the fruits) are a symbol of "vanitas", something that has no permanence.
My flowers instead, are a symbol of strength and beauty that can be short-lived, apparently, but come back every season, bringing a message of rebirth and eternity. Flowers are, to me, my own symbols of permanence and healing.
I try not to indicate flowers with scientific precision, I try to paint their presence as state of my mind into nature world.
I can even ignore their beautiful appearance, sometime, to paint my emotions.
Walking in the wind, flowers unnamed as in a dream, unexpected, appear between grass, patches of color and ink in the light of the first day of spring.
Although the world may become a hell, I paint flowers because I do not lose hope.
For thousands of years ...above the human disasters the sun rises and every year, spring come back.
I had to explain him why I paint flowers so often and which message into my works.
I do not paint flowers as gentle creatures and beautiful, that die easily.
In Western culture the flowers (as the fruits) are a symbol of "vanitas", something that has no permanence.
My flowers instead, are a symbol of strength and beauty that can be short-lived, apparently, but come back every season, bringing a message of rebirth and eternity. Flowers are, to me, my own symbols of permanence and healing.
I try not to indicate flowers with scientific precision, I try to paint their presence as state of my mind into nature world.
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Unexpected - detail - RitaVaselli Watercolor |
Walking in the wind, flowers unnamed as in a dream, unexpected, appear between grass, patches of color and ink in the light of the first day of spring.
Although the world may become a hell, I paint flowers because I do not lose hope.
For thousands of years ...above the human disasters the sun rises and every year, spring come back.
What a powerful statement Rita! I agree with you. Your painting is really your own special way of describing beauty around you. If everyone found the will to create a small thing of beauty, the world would be so much richer.
RispondiEliminaHo , I forgot...the world would be more loving too, and peaceful,etc. Bisous Rita. :)
RispondiEliminaOur heart is the only place where we ourselves can manage the change that we wish we had around us ... I wish you a beautiful spring between flowers and colors,dear Helen!
EliminaWonderful thoughts, Rita! I was just wondering a few days ago why flowers always ask for a painting, and you gave me the perfect answer! xx Judy
RispondiEliminaSomeone thinks topic of flowers as an expression of weakness, instead all year the flowers give us lessons weather resistance ... snow, frost, rain and wind, nothing stops their vocation to the beauty and continuation of life.They well deserve our attention as painters.
EliminaAmazing Truth! My father always told us - no matter what, the sun and moon still occupy the sky and winter will leave - so get on with it!..He lived through two world wars.
RispondiEliminaYour floral paintings have always held a power beyond beauty and so have your words.
Without beauty what would sooth us? I think of the beautiful artifacts being destroyed along with human life and my heart needs some beauty more than ever. Thank you for providing some.
The painting is full of expressive movement and the joyful touch of green brings the promise of spring.
Our parents lived in hard times, where sometimes it was not easy even have to eat, during wartime ... they used so much wisdom ,they had confidence in the fundamental values such as family ... They have built and rebuilt a world who seemed only to want crumble ...Today is always nice to think that we are, too, patient and tireless builders of great and small things that transmit life and beauty.
EliminaThe constructive sense of the family along with that of artistic practice, is already a great opportunity and wonderful promise of happiness for every day of life.
Dear Rita - What a super post. So true my dear friend. Flowers or music or good writing or anything beautiful was meant to be treasured. Yours floral paintings are just that - true treasures. Keep painting them - they are so wonderful to view. Hugs!
RispondiEliminaThanks my dear Debbie for your very kind warm words!
EliminaHugs and kisses,Rita
Preciosas flores querida Rita, me gustan muchos los colores tan delicados que has utilizado ¡Mi enhorabuena!
RispondiEliminaUn gran abrazo y buen fin de semana, Sonia :)
Grazie cara Sonia. Ho usato aureolin,verde di hooker,inchiostro e due pastelli acquerellabili (che però non ho acquerellato) giallo e ocra.
EliminaUn grande abbraccio e buon inizio di settimana.
La belleza de las flores querida amiga, nos hacen olvidar muchas veces
RispondiEliminala fealdad de algunos rincones del mundo.
Y si se plasma en una obra linda como la tuya nunca mueren.
felicitaciones y abrazos.
Cara Mariluz grazie infinite delle tue parole sempre così affettuose per me ed il mio lavoro.
EliminaUn abbraccio grande e forte,Rita.
Wow, I never know which I will enjoy more, the paintings,,and your flowers are always from the soul, or the words. Today I think the images your words create more than equals the painting. Well done My Dear.
RispondiEliminaThanks Nelvia. Seeking sincerity in painting as in the words, so maybe they come from my heart to your heart with ease.
EliminaHugs and kisses, Rita.
Great painting, I love the movement you have given these flowers.
RispondiEliminaThanks dear Ann! Have nice start of the week!
EliminaTrue artist Rita, your paintings are full of emotion no matter the subject and your love of painting flowers for your own personal reasons always shine
RispondiEliminaThanks my dear Lorraine.Write and painting express your own emotion is a way for healing...everyday.
EliminaQuerida Rita: Bellas las flores y bello y real el contenido de tu respuesta. Sin flores, sin naturaleza no hay alegría en el corazón, ese es el mejor reflejo de un alma llena de ternura y amor. Esas flores y poder realizarlas aplaca y matiza los momentos difíciles de la vida. Felicitaciones y un cariñoso abrazo.
RispondiEliminaGrazie cara Mercedes! Dipingere quello che sentiamo profondamente dona forza alla nostra pittura, come tu sai così bene. Un abbraccio affettuoso,Rita.
EliminaNe ero sicura che i tuoi fiori rappresentassero per te la rinascita. Continua ...continua sono belli e di buon augurio!
RispondiEliminaBuona domenica cara Rita
Grazie Francesca. Credo che per tante cose siamo in sintonìa.
EliminaUn abbraccio affettuoso e buon inizio di settimana.
Bonsoir ma chère Rita,
RispondiEliminaComme tu as raison de peindre des fleurs... Ton âme est la plus belle de fleurs...
Comme tu le dis si parfaitement bien, nous avons besoin d'elles pour avancer inconsciemment. Elles rythment nos vies et leur donnent un sens.
Elles ont leur langage... et avec un peu de sensibilité on peut deviner à leurs parfums, à leurs couleurs quels secrets elles gardent précieusement dans leur coeur.
Avec tes pinceaux et tes couleurs, ma chère Rita tu nous dévoilent toute la finesse et la délicatesse des fleurs...
Alors continue de nous séduire avec tes très belles aquarelles...
❀ Gros bisous ❀
Merci,chère Martine! Tu sais qu'il ya une manière secrète de faire face à la vie, la joie que nous pouvons donner et recevoir, en dépit de tout ce que difficile de passer à travers le monde.
EliminaPour cette magie,c'est toujours tellement agréable d'être chez toi
dans la Dollhouse. GROS bisous,Rita.
Continua a dipingere i fiori cara Rita, sono così belli e li apprezziamo tutti ! Abbraccio.
RispondiEliminaGrazie del supporto...è strano che specialmente per chi è politicamente molto impegnato i fiori sino un argomento ritenuto ovvio e banale...Comunque ognuno ha il suo vissuto e per me sono carichi di simboli positivi. un abbraccio,Rita.
EliminaThis is such a positively affirming way to look at flowers, Rita! And at life itself. Keep that attitude and keep painting flowers!
RispondiEliminaThanks dear Blaga. I wish you a sweet start of Spring in Toronto, waiting for your flowers!
Eliminatus flores son las mejores y tu forma de mirarlas aún mas.
Grazie cara Aurora,un abbraccio.
EliminaGrazie cara Loredana. In tempi dove la vita potrebbe essere vuota la pittura mette in moto davvero tanti meccanismi culturali ed emotivi di cui la fioritura sulla carta.... è solo l'ultimo e benefico per me effetto visibile.
RispondiEliminaI fiori guariscono insieme ai colori, essi hanno un potere risanatore che io sperimento su di me da anni.Un abbraccio affettuoso,Rita.