giovedì 20 agosto 2015


E quando quello che ci accade sembra troppo grande per essere sopportato...come andare avanti?
Come continuare a vivere, e  possibilmente a vivere in modo sereno....
Oggi ho preso un foglio di carta per schizzi di un bel colore caldo ed ho disegnato, con due blu violaceo Beatrice che dorme.
Beatrice dorme poco ma quando cade nel sonno sembra totalmente abbandonata...
I bambini vivono momento per momento...ho pensato che è quello  che si deve fare quando i giorni presentano difficoltà e incertezze.

Sketching blue...Beatrice asleep with abandon 
When things that happen, they seem too heavy to be lived ... how I can go on?
How my life can  go on and possibly how I can live in a serene way ....
Today I took a sheet of soft toned paper , I sketched  Beatrice asleep, with two blue violet pencils.

Beatrice sleeps little, but when she falls into sleep, she seems totally abandoned ...
Children can live moment by moment ... I thought that's what I have to do, these days that have so much difficulty and uncertainty.

Two blue pencil, some brushes and erasers ...Sketch paper before blue pencils seems so different ,
more warm then after sketch

30 commenti:

  1. sei bravissima Rita hai ritratto la tua dolce nipotina...dormiente ...sembra un angelo ...Cara Rita spero che tutto sia ok....ti auguro di trascorrere ancora queste giornate estive nella tranquillità dell'anima ...un grande abbraccio ...

    1. Grazie cara Bianca. Siamo nel difficile,ma anche rimanere collegata alle cose che amo fare è un modo di andare avanti con forza.
      La vita è fatta di momenti che vanno vissuti uno per uno,così anche momenti buoni e meno buoni possono convivere nello stesso giorno...Un grande abbraccio anche a te.

  2. What a lovely and delicate portrait, one she will treasure. Hoping all is well with yiu and that you will get through the bumps. Faith will bring a better tomorrow.

    1. Thanks dear Nelvia. Now faith is necessary as breathing. I believe that it is necessary for me also draw or paint or write .... are all means to achieve a bit of inner peace

  3. Full of tenderness. The best subject to lift you up and away from the sadness in your heart. I envy your strength.

    1. The "powerful" behavior of my granddaughter ,here at home for a month, was a way of understanding how to deal with difficult things ... a little girl who lives with strenght ,moment to moment.
      Beatrice laughs, cries, shouts, plays and sleeps, ... always with total abandonment to the moment, it's joyful or sad.
      A great way to approach life.

  4. Un petit moment de douceur et de poésie.
    La petite Beatrice est adorable.
    Bravo chère Rita !
    Je te souhaite un bon week-end.
    Gros bisous.

    1. Bon week end à toi aussi. Merci de la belle douceur de tes mots,cher Olivier!
      Gros bisous

  5. A sketch full of love. I send you love too for what sounds a difficult time.

    1. Thanks for your loving thoughts, my dear friend many health scares in this difficult 2015...but I will remain hopeful for healing ...

  6. Very loving and beautiful portrait, dear Rita. A big hug from Holland.

    1. Thanks dear Judy. I slowly come back in blogland...I really missed my sweet blog friends !

  7. Un angelo tra i sogni, splendido il ritratto, i miei complimenti per tale bravura!
    Un abbraccio e buona giornata da Beatris

    1. Cara Beatris...grazie! Chissà cosa sognano i bambini abbandonati nei loro pensieri...
      A volte essere come loro,ritrovare quell'abbandono è un'ancora di salvezza.
      Un abbraccio ed un bel fine settimana anche a te.Rita

  8. Cara Rita spero che i momenti difficili si possano presto risolvere e superare, un abbraccio grande grande, Maddalena

    1. Grazie cara Maddalena. Le belle abitudini aiutano a mantenere l'equilibrio.
      Le parole degli amici,ora più che mai, sono un balsamo per il cuore.
      Grazie del tuo affetto,Rita

  9. Dearest Rita - such a beautiful awareness of the resting child. I love this very sensitive portrait of Beatrice. She is adorable and, my, how she has grown.
    Your worries are still evident so my prayers will not stop. The health of your loved ones is of great importance because it means so much to you, dear friend. Sending a loving hug.

    1. At serene times , devote time to paint or draw, it was a joyful activity ... even now is a way to recover freshness.
      Difficult days are not always completely difficult, there is a percentage of nice things that (although less than in other parts of life) have to be appreciated.
      So, after mind block which is derived from the fear of the future and new situations, I thought that to live as much as possible "as before," when I can, will be a key to healing. Babies cry when it's time to cry, but then they play and laugh ...They eat, dream and especially rest deeply, although few hours as our " tireless" Bea.
      Draw this study was a first step towards normality, for me.Things happen, then people try to continue to live and also to be calm to live these days so much more valuable, along with the loved one. Dear Julie, lovely words, prayers, hugs from you and other friends are true caress for my heart. It is so important now feel myself connected with a world of loving thoughts.Thanks for your sweet lovely support.Rita.

  10. When family hurts....we hurt! When you hurt .. we feel it as well! This painting is so full of did a beautiful piece here, Rita! I love it! I'm sending you lots of hugs....

    1. Thanks dear Hilda. Life is not only happiness, health or well-being ... life is, sometimes,even else.
      But I do not give up.
      I do not give up because joys of the little things,remains, despite the illness,so I want always appreciate them...Warm hugs,Rita..

  11. Bonjour ma chère Rita,

    Une oeuvre où le débordement d'amour puisé en soi a son véritable sens...
    La spontanéité du geste apaise la souffrance...
    Il est bon de s'autoriser du rêve surtout lorsque la réalité de la vie nous écorche.

    De gros bisous à toi ma chère Rita... Tu sais que je pense toujours fort à toi...

    1. Merci ma chère Martine!
      Quand tout devient plus lourd, laisser tomber, pour un moment,le poids à transporter,en reposant soi-même, est une façon d'être en mesure de continuer à marcher même en prenant en arrière le poids ....
      Les doux mots des amis, toujours, sont comme des caresses sur mon cœur.
      Gros bisous

  12. Dear Rita, this is a portrait full of love and tenderness. The best way to channel your emotions and try to recreate in a small way what you miss so much. Hugs, Blaga

    1. Dear Blaga ,these are very hard day to live. After Danilo surgery, before future therapies we are so tired,between other clinic tests.
      ...Painting or drawing in the afternoon ,a bit time,if possible, is a precious moment...Warm hugs for you too,my dear friend.

  13. Hello. Your works is Elegant.

    Greetings from Japan. ruma

  14. Grazie, cara Loredana, trovarsi un attimo nel mondo di Blogland è una dolce pausa.
    Dopo un momento di disorientamento e comunque di lontananza forzata dal computer, credo che continuare,quando è possibile a fare cose interessanti e piacevoli, è sempre un modo di mantenere il desiderio che tutto ritorni come prima...presto.
    Un abbraccio,Rita.

  15. Oh Rita - the love for your granddaughter just covers this page. I am so sorry about your worries. I will be praying and "looking up" for you. Hugs!

    1. Thanks my sweet Debbie,for your loving thoughtsand your prayers!

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