domenica 25 ottobre 2015


Ho trovato un acquerello incompleto ,forse da  due anni.
Ho provato a finire queste rose.
Non è facile  vivere  questo momento, ma le rose sono sempre un segno di amore e di speranza.
Grazie a tutti quelli che mi hanno accarezzato con le loro parole ed i loro pensieri.

From old roses, new roses...
RitaVaselli Watercolor on hp Fabriano 25cmx28cm
I  found a watercolor incomplete, maybe from past two years ..
I tried to finish these roses.
It is not easy to live right now but roses are always a sign of
love and hope.
Thanks to everyone who gave me a caress with friendly words and thoughts.

31 commenti:

  1. Sono MOLTO belle queste rose, si vede che sono fatti con il cuore, i colori sono splendidi . E bello vederti ancora fra di noi. Abbraccio forte.

    1. Grazie cara Jane. Piano piano tutto deve riprendere il suo corso.
      I colori come sempre aiutano a guarire le ferite dell'anima.
      Dipingere crea spazi di serenità dove la mente si quieta.
      Un abbraccio forte

  2. Le tue rose trapelano tutto l'amore e la grande passione del tuo cuore.
    Un abbraccio. <3

    1. Grazie Cara Amica di venire a commentare sul blog.
      Dipingere è una grande occasione di quiete adesso .

  3. You started your new path with a symbol of love, an excellent place to start. Everyday, a little more. It's the best anyone can do. Hugs.

    1. Finish a work left unfinished. Connect past and future.
      Still dream of having a future that is not loneliness Everyday, a little more....
      These roses today did me a bit 'happy !.

  4. How beautiful these roses are.
    Life is always so incomplete, every day a piece of the giant puzzle.
    Rita, it is so amazing you posted this about roses being a sign of hope ... I dedicated my latest blog post of my rose painting to you and Danilo.
    Much love and strength to you dear friend xxxx

    1. I want, very soon, resume painting.
      Paint something, even small, it is a way to resume sweet habits.
      Thanks for your sensitive thoughts on your blog.
      Warm hugs,Rita.

  5. Beautiful colourful roses and a first step in a difficult time. A big hug, Rita.

    1. Thanks,dear judy.I had to walk again, thinking as Linda said...I never Wwalk alone.

  6. Cara Rita, le tue rose sono così delicate, ma nel mio immaginario sono un fiore coraggioso, e così sei tu. Un abbraccio grande, Maddalena.

    1. Le rose sanno rifiorire con coraggio. Occorre saper aspettare un nuovo futuro vicino ai miei cari.Con calma anche questo arriverà.Abbraccio forte,Rita

  7. This is so soft and beautiful Rita! Keeping yourself busy with your beautiful work is so good for you. I'm thinking of you! Sending many hugs from New York!!

    1. Thanks dear Hilda, There are times when the idea of having something nice to do it really helps.
      Warm hugs,Rita.

  8. Dear Rita I continue to" look up" for you. I am sure it is so hard right now. Read your previous post. What a beautiful photo of you and your beloved. I know he will always be in your heart. Take care dear one. Hugs

    1. Thanks my dear Debbie. You are a very sweet heart.
      Warm hugs,thinking the beauty of your harmony hills.

  9. La pittura é la tua forza...continua a dipingere. Un abbraccio forte cara Rita

    1. Grazie Francesca. Tutto aiuta ad andare avanti un pochino ogni giorno. Un abbraccio affettuoso,Rita

  10. A very beautiful painting with these subtle, delicate color transitions - just as roses should be painted. A good way to loose yourself in the creative process. Big hug, Rita!

    1. Art is always a great therapy for calm mind and heart...I hope soon can do more painting.
      Warm hugs,Rita

  11. Bonjour ma chère Rita,

    Le langage sentimental des fleurs te va à ravir...
    Tu exprimes avec la couleur, les formes tant de délicatesse et d'émotion.
    Un beau message d'espoir et d'amour.
    Je remercie cette belle amie qu'est la peinture, qu'elle te soutienne, t'aide en ces moments difficiles.

    Je pense fort à toi et t'embrasse affectueusement,

    Gros bisous ✺ ♡ ✺

    1. Ma chère Martine,Je vais te dire honnêtement que dimanche, tout a était très difficile.
      Puis je essayé de réagir aux difficultés, après avoir terminé les roses, avec la préparation de mon billet ...Le jour de la fête est différent, je dois faire attention de ne pas être seule.
      Merci d'être si près de mon coeur.
      Gros Bisous,Rita.

  12. Querida Rita: Sinto falta de tuas belas pinturas e sei que seu amado marido também , pinte para ele e por você, a sua arte vai ajudá-la a vencer esta dor, vai tirar um pouco seu pensamento dessa enorme perda. Sei que nada o substituirá pois um amor não se apaga com a morte, é apenas um intervalo.
    um forte abraço com muito amor

    P.S. Lindas rosas.

    1. Cara Leah, coraggio e fede aiutano in questi momenti.
      Grazie del tuo invito a sperare ed a pensare all'eternità che ci attende.
      Un abbraccio forte,Rita

  13. I really wish I were clever enough to think of something to say that would make you happy, and I was able to paint the future as you wish it could be. But I'm not. Remember that in here you are with friends who's thoughts and love surround you.

    Bless you, Rita

    1. Staying connected with people with whom we have affinity of thought and feeling, this is a help to live better. It does not need anything more than being in the heart of friends, when something happened that gives us pain. Thanks for your warm words,dear John.

  14. I love your exchange with John above. Profound.
    I send the deepest affection and admiration for the beautiful roses.
    I love Barbara Streisand song The Rose. The words are poignant and hopeful.

    1. Thanks dear Julie. I found text of this beautiful lyrics.
      So true. Life maybe easy or hard,it's depends from
      moments. Love is endless, Some hours may be harder.
      Hope and faith help.

      Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
      Some say love, it is a razor, that leads your soul to bleed
      Some say love, it is a hunger, and endless aching need
      I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed

      It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance
      It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes a chanceIt's the one, who won't be taken who can not seem to give
      And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

      When the night has been to lonely and the road has been to longAnd you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
      Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow
      Lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose.

  15. Oh I love the rose painting! Great job!
    Keeping yourself busy with your beautiful work is so good for you.

  16. Que preciosidad Rita!!! Adoro esta bella acuarela floral. Felicidades

  17. Dear Rita, just baby steps right now. A little painting will,help get emotions and all the love on paper. Always you are in our thoughts and prayers.


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