Quando succede che per i motivi più vari non sia possibile dipingere, come si comporta il pittore?
Io quando non dipingo, penso a come vorrei dipingere. E poichè ho una serie di acquarelli non finiti, con l'immaginazione e con il mio computer penso come finire i lavori.
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Un Acquarello delicato potrebbe migliorare con colori energici! Una possibile soluzione....virtuale per il Bosco di Jouvenceaux |
Rifletto sugli argomenti che mi interessano di più al momento, i valori tonali e la mia personale stilizzazione dell'immagine.
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Il Bosco di Jouvenceaux-WIP -Studiando questo lavoro rifletto sull'importanza dei valori tonali nell'immagine da dipingere. |
Quando non dipingo ho la tendenza a scattare più foto, perchè non si sa mai, se una foto si può trasformare in un dipinto.
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Ho talmente contagiato con questo atteggiamento Danilo, che stamani ha fermato l'automobile per fotografare un cartellone pubblicitario, sbiadito dal sole ma che secondo lui potrebbe diventare un dipinto.
I nostri giorni oziosi in attesa di diventare nonni ci vedono alle prese con il riordino dello studio.
Quanti materiali accumulati! Sperimentando, nel tempo è stato provato di tutto!Pastelli, matite, inchiostri, grafite, carboncino, carte di tanti tipi, pennelli di ogni categorìa.
Sono diventata una collezionista di... medium artistici.
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Il Bosco della Vernavola (Pavìa) -WIP- Acquarello di RitaVaselli . I colori assomigliano alla mia fotografìa ma non hanno abbastanza contrasto. |
Mentre per l'archivio digitale è tutto a portata di click, riesumare questi riferimenti ogni volta mette a dura prova i miei nervi!
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Un maggiore contrasto rende più realistica l'atmosfera del Bosco della Vernavola. |
Non avere i pennelli in mano, mi aiuta a mettere a fuoco tutto quello che credo di aver capito e tutto quello che mi sembra sfuggire.
Mi pare di poter prendere decisioni su che cosa lasciare andare e che cosa tenere nella mia pittura.
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Riordinare lo studio è stata l'occasione di osservare fotografie e progetti non finiti, come questo Acquerello del Bosco di Nazzano in Inverno. |
Nella mia testa le idee trovano spazio con più precisione, all'improvviso, mentre sto facendo tutt'altro che disegnare o dipingere.
Prendere una breve vacanza dai pennelli, mi serve proprio a questo: favorire la trasformazione.
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Una possibile soluzione per "Il Bosco di Nazzano in Inverno".Il computer aiuta a modificare le fotografie del soggetto ma anche a cercare soluzioni innovative durante il WIP! |
è sempre un piacere leggere i tuoi post: "mi ci ritrovo" mi è molto familiare il tuo linguaggio, sarebbe bello averti come amica-vicina vicina, condivido i tuoi pensieri e la tua passione ma tu... sei più brava! Ciao!!!
RispondiEliminaGrazie di queste belle parole per me!Cosa,dirti mia cara folletta...sarebbe bello averti più vicina,ma ci possiamo sempre trovare su Blogger!Ciao!!!
EliminaDear Rita, I know what you mean. When I'm not painting or drawing, I'm making notes or little sketches for future works. But I haven't use computer to experiment yet. Which seems a great idea and helpfull-especialy for someone as inexperienced at watercolour as I am.
RispondiEliminaI absolutely adore the first one!! and can't wait to see the harvest of wine under your brushes.
Warm regards.
Since I keep the blog photographer everything I do at work.
EliminaIt can be used for a post,dear Konstantina.
Can be used to bite my hands when I see that I ruined the job ... but it seemed natural to change tone and color values of reference photographs, as some watercolors that are in progress.
Sometimes with a few clicks (like the first job you've noticed) ... I was speechless!
The experience can do a lot but when I do not have enough experience, the computer is a great help!Warmly,Rita.
Rita....cosa dire? Mi sono innamorata dei primi due!!!Un abbraccio e mille complimenti
RispondiEliminaGrazie ,Simo.Alcune foto durante le passeggiate nei boschi mi hanno ispirato questi lavori.Il computer e la macchina fotografica sono dei grandi mezzi di supporto per l'immaginazione!
EliminaWhen I am not painting, I think about painting too. It is a great idea to use the computer to try out a way to finish a painting. I love the first one!
RispondiEliminaHello Judy!Thinking about painting...The painting becomes a world as we carry inside ... always keep painting also without brushes in hand!
EliminaHi Rita. Beautiful pieces with their contrasts and tone. Get those right and the paintings will blossom. I too think sometimes we need distance from a painting to know which way to go next. When I paint I need thinking time as well as painting time so I tend to do things in stages. Enjoy the rest of Sunday. xx
RispondiEliminaDear Laura, how is interesting this mix of watercolor and life! A challenge that never ends and a joy that never ends.
EliminaCreate something new from a blank sheet is a feeling so special that minor glitches along the way ... do not matter.
One by one, with patience and study will be resolved sooner or later ...! Happy Sunday!
As usual an extremely interesting post, Rita.
RispondiEliminaNot sure computer imaging would work for me: contrast or brightness the only options for mono.
My pictures hate the camera - they fight like spoilt children. Whilst your lovely pictures seem to be in love with the camera/computer.
You have produced some wonderful images here which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you!
Your reference photos ,dear John,do not take advantage of the computer, but you have a huge experience in treating them.
EliminaYou work as the engravers work!
Your precision and elegance tract has the consequence that the camera and PC are useless to you!
I'm glad that you like the post of a topic not directly related to your work! I also like to dwell on different topics in the blogosphere. Even through your blogroll I discovered new things: sharing friendly interest in the art and the world around us is the best gift that progress has given to me!
hallo liebe rita,
RispondiEliminawie immer bin ich begeistert über deine beiträge hier, ich hoffe, dass ich sehr viel von dir annehme und ich bin ständig am lernen.......ich liebe die ersten beiden bilder....und mit dem computer habe ich bis heute noch gar nichts gemacht.....wenn ich nicht male sind meine gedanken doch sehr oft dabei, ich sollte auch mehr fotografieren, skizzieren, experimentieren und vor allem dann malen und vollenden............
danke für diesen schönen beitrag und genieße diese herrlichen sonnentage wie ich..bis demnächst
Dear Maria, my working life and affective owes much to the computer ... when my daughter began to live outside the home computer has become the bridge that united us.
EliminaThe digital camera came into my life with strength in 2003 when the results have become acceptable.
Then the computer has also become the magic box with the picture you have just made ,to look at.
Slowly I walked in symbiosis with videoworkshop, e-books, youtube videos, then my photos and my watercolors on computer and then on the web ... a destiny is fulfilled.
Now when I try something on the web, sometime I appear... to myself for answer! That's funny when it happens!
I am happy to have friends like you to exchange images and ideas, see the work, just paintings! Thanks to COMPUTER
and thanks to WEB!
Warm greetings,Rita.
Beautiful pieces Rita, a pleasure to behold xxxxx
RispondiEliminaThank you Claire for your lovely comment!
EliminaCara Rita: Quando avete creatività e arte si unì la sua vita, cercando le risorse per passare. Mi congratulo con voi per il vostro lavoro e sue trasformazioni, bel modo di trascorrere le vostre vacanze. Un grande abbraccio.
RispondiEliminaGrazie,Mercedes,delle tue belle parole per me e per il mio lavoro.Cambiamenti e trasformazioni sono una bella parte del dipingere ad acquarello.Mentre l'acqua scorre sui fogli anche noi impariamo a seguirla meglio...Un grande abbraccio!
EliminaCara Rita,
RispondiEliminaAmmiro il vostro spirito impegnative e celebrare i risultati incantevoli. I colori sono molto impressionante. Tieniti aggiornato!
Cordiali saluti, Sadami
Dear Rita,
I admire your challenging spirits and celebrate lovely outcomes. Colours are very impressive. Keep up!
Kind regards, Sadami
How wonderful Dear Sadami that while I was writing to you, YOU were writing to me!Thanks for your kind words!
EliminaFelicitats pel teu treball i gràcies per ser el meu seguidor número 100. Salutacions. Assumpta.
RispondiEliminaGrazie anche a te per seguirmi!Auguro tanta fortuna al tuo bel blog ed ai tuoi acquarelli!!!
EliminaI think that the computer is a very valuable tool with which to show up where a painting fails and where it succeeds. But--and there always is one with me--computerized fixing is not what I'm after--just insight as to where to go next with the knowledge I've accumulated over years of looking at art. You missed it on vacation and have returned energized. The baby will come when she/he's ready. God is finely tuning his new creation. Be patient Grandmother, a masterpiece is on its way.
RispondiEliminaWhile I working with a transparent medium using a sheet of colored acetate or the computer to watch the changing color of a glaze, can help me and sometimes give me an idea about the final result, for work unresolved but whose topic is still interesting(these woods).
EliminaWaiting for the delivery of the Masterpiece
is not hard to me,Linda ... but my daughter is in trouble! few minutes ago he called me on skype and tell me he no longer has the strength ... a strong sciatic pain is haunting her since last month,
day and night!
Preciosas pinturas...
RispondiEliminaMis felicitaciones.
Benvenuta sul mio blog Vittoria !Grazie del tuo apprezzamento.
Hello Rita:) Strange what you all can do with a computer. Nevertheless, I have the feeling that you know even without computer how to produce beautiful artworks. You have already show this so often. For a little help it is of course useful! And we also can learn from you again!
RispondiEliminaThanks and a Merry week!
Dear Renate, I am very curious about everything! When I found out (in a video) that looking through a clear acetate red (or green or blue or yellow) my watercolors completely changed ... I thought that even if the computer can do.
EliminaI use this method to force my photos to my feelings and these days I'm studying an interesting author, Don Rankin, that shows how superimposing the same colors ,but in different glazes sequence ,changes really everything.
When I realized this, I tried it (in my computer)on some old work not finished and I was impressed, because I always have difficulty the work on darks.Through Don Rankin I saw a demo of a red apple that begins directly from red Winsor (never thought I would do my own such...). Now, thinking about these new tools, I can take pictures of the forest in autumn that I would paint with drama ...
Share with blog-friends is my pleasure,while blog-friends share with me!Have Nice Week,you too!
Tried to leave a message this morning and kept freezing me out. First pic I love, makes me think of Spring in the forest, so restful and fresh -just green. Am going to scour for organizing tips as Imneed help to get my art place better organized and try to find my refnphotos.
RispondiEliminaOk did me again but will try again, whenI am not painting Imtry to think about it and even draw in my minds eye (it always looks better) I think it helps focus and comes put faster when you put it on paper. As always I sure appreciate your feedback. Showed my husband your site and he so enjoyed the pics, brought back many memories. Thinking of your daughter, have her in my mind and prayers that all goes well.
RispondiEliminaThanks,Nelvia for your kind messages. Thanks for joining me in praying that everything goes well for my daughter and the baby! I think the human contact of blogging is full of feeling and strength because we are real people behind computers, engaged in life as in art research.
EliminaWe take from our time something that is given to others and will return by others as a continuous gift!
I'm glad your husband read my blog! Even my husband follows the post and the progress of work ... now we are waiting for your tiger!
Have nice week!
I must say, Rita, I always enjoy stopping by your blog...You always have such interesting posts...and of course, lovely paintings!!! I love the vibrant colors in the first painting. I am like you as well..when I'm not painting, I think of what I would like to be painting...I often wonder...its this normal?? LOL
RispondiEliminaThanks Hilda!I believe that every person who practices an art
RispondiEliminado always this art ...
The cook thinks about what will cook, the tailor dreams next dress ... and the painter (mind)paints future works! We are still normal! LOL
Cara Rita, Adoro estos paisajes, el primero es maravilloso. La cosecha de uva debe estar llena de contrastes de colores. Estoy deseando ver tu pintura sobre ella. Un abrazo querida amiga.
RispondiEliminaGrazie, cara Eva!Oggi sto dipingendo con rosso e verde per la sfida dei colori complementari sul DPW!Ma arriverà il momento dell'uva,prometto!Un abraccio.
EliminaCiao cara Rita un saluto affettuoso...mi sono mancati i tuoi dipinti!
Ciao Francesca e bentornata!Adesso ricomincerò a vedere la bella Sicilia attraverso i tuoi reportages!!!Baci!
EliminaThese are interesting explorations, Rita. One common outcome from all seems to be the importance of value contrast. I have come to the conclusion for myself that having some very dark spots in a painting, makes it much more vivid. But darks are a bit of challenge in watercolor.
RispondiEliminaIn a nutshell...dear Blaga,you are right!..darks are a bit challenge!!!would be nice to find the way once and forever ... instead changing the palette I'm back :I will find another way.
EliminaNow I think I understand something about overlapping glazes in sequence different than the usual yellow first,then reds,then blues....
I learned following videoworkshop by Guy Magallanes and the book(related to glazes in watercolor) by Don Rankin. I liked the darker wet techniques (How Morelle or Karpinska) but my flowers are not as dramatic.
I want to see the colors shine on bright backgrounds, dark and luminous ...
Glazing (glazing also wet-dry glazing over dry-glaze,some times), maybe, at the end a possible solution for me.I 'm tryng, today!Without dark is difficult to achieve strong tonal value and strong composition...I hate glazes because I'm impatient...but I will be patient!
Ciao Rita, capita spesso anche a me di usare il computer per "alterare" i colori e le luci dei miei lavori. Io trovo che sia un eccellente sistema per migliorare le nostre capacità di selezionare i colori e i valori tonali.....ed in alcuni periodi di magra, anche per aiutarsi a trovare un pò di ispirazione (o di voglia di sperimentare). Un abbraccio!
RispondiEliminaCiao,Tito e bentornato!Il computer è una realtà che tutti usano per tanti buoni motivi,anche chi dipinge può trarre vantaggio!La capacità di fotografare con l'avvento del digitale porta istintivamente all'elaborazione dell'immagine.
EliminaRielaborare non solo il soggetto ma il lavoro fatto fornisce non solo nuovo materiale ,ma secondo me,aiuta a focalizzare noi stessi ed i nostri obiettivi...pittorici.Un abbraccio!
I really enjoyed following the discussion on using darks.
RispondiEliminaI have been waiting for news of the new baby but I did enjoy your clearing up story.
I placed everything from my desk in a big box to prepare for my grand-kids because their beds are in that room, but unpacking will not be as easy.
I admit to feeling weird when I go without painting but planning helps.
Here, the extraction after it is not easy! I'm trying to resettle so that the next family meetings are not critical for my art supplies!
EliminaWe are all waiting for our newborn ... the mother is the most tired, of course, in this heat! My daughter lives in France, near the Montebianco and the eternal snows, but now during the day, she can not go into the garden!
The night is better, the temperature goes down, but here in Italy, we're always a little "hell" even at night!
I'm so glad you read with pleasure ... on the "Dark Side" of watercolor!
Ciao Rita, sono la mamma di Simo. Mi complimento per le tue opere e vorrei invitarti nel mio salotto....sono ancora in fase di rodaggio.
Ciao,Sofìa.Io mio marito e mia figlia siamo bloggers(praticamente tutta la famiglia!Benvenuta!)Mi fa piacere visitare il tuo salotto!
Eliminalovely works!
RispondiEliminaThanks Ashok!!!
EliminaInfatti in questi giorni ho dipinto poco e ho scattato tante foto! Alcune diventeranno dipinti...belli questi, non saprei scegliere! ciao, Arianna!
RispondiEliminaGrazie,Arianna.Rimettendo in ordine le mie foto stampate per diventare dipinti,mi sono resa conto di quante volte ho scelto la foto più complicata e meno adatta per essere dipinta!Ho deciso di diventare più selettiva...se i valori tonali non li vedo bene nella foto,anche se avesse le forme ed i colori fantastici,lascio stare.Qualcuno disse(forse Oscar Wilde )che chiamano esperienze i nostri...insuccessi!A giudicare dalla grossa scatola dei lavori non riusciti,QUANTA ESPERIENZA!
EliminaMagnificent work Rita. Just when I think I'll put my watercolours aside for a bit and go back to oil, I see a whole new potential and inspiration from your watercolours! Happy Painting.
RispondiEliminaFor a health problem does not make me love the smell of oil paint and it is the basis of my choice for watercolor. Yet precisely for this reason I am looking for something
Eliminain watercolor, with power of expression ... It 's my goal.
Dear Nora,We'll see what the future holds ....