Tempo per ricordare le nostre passeggiate insieme quando ero bambina, tempo per ricordare ...
dietro le porte che sembrano chiudere per sempre i nostri cari ci sono giorni che quasi con forza vogliamo ricordarli,vivi, giovani, allegri.
Così ho dipinto un mazzo di rose, preparando un disegno da una foto di riferimento...ma in corso d'opera tutto è cambiato.
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I painted these roses thinking my dad in his Birthday. Rose per Paolo-Acquerello e inchiostro-RitaVaselli su Canson Figueras ( 33x41 cm) |
Ringrazio mio padre che sempre ha incoraggiato la mia passione per la lettura e per i colori, mettendomi in condizione di essere libera di disegnare o dipingere quello che volevo già da bambina.
Mentre il disegno, la pittura e la lettura a scuola erano soggetti a schemi, nel tempo libero, io leggevo e disegnavo, sempre secondo il mio modo di sentire.
Non è cambiato molto da allora, la sperimentazione e la giocosità sono parte integrante del mio modo di tenere i pennelli in mano.
Le ombre ci sono e ci saranno sempre, ma mi piace guardare il lato soleggiato delle cose, prima che scenda la notte.
Our roots become distant, while we grow old, becoming roots for children and grandchildren .. My father was born in 1921 and today is his birthday.
Time to remember our walks together when I was a child, time to remember ... behind the doors seem to close forever our loved ones there are days that most strongly I want to remember, live, young, happy.
I thank my father, he always encouraged my passion for books and colors, putting myself in a position to be free to read, draw or paint what I wanted,
While drawing, painting and reading at school were planned from teachers, in my free time, I read and drew, according to my feeling.
Not much has changed since then, experimentation and playfulness are an integral part of the way I keep my brushes in hand.
Shadows are there and there will always be, but I like look at the sunny side of things, before the night.
Le ombre ci sono e ci saranno sempre, ma mi piace guardare il lato soleggiato delle cose, prima che scenda la notte.
Our roots become distant, while we grow old, becoming roots for children and grandchildren .. My father was born in 1921 and today is his birthday.
Time to remember our walks together when I was a child, time to remember ... behind the doors seem to close forever our loved ones there are days that most strongly I want to remember, live, young, happy.
I thank my father, he always encouraged my passion for books and colors, putting myself in a position to be free to read, draw or paint what I wanted,
While drawing, painting and reading at school were planned from teachers, in my free time, I read and drew, according to my feeling.
Not much has changed since then, experimentation and playfulness are an integral part of the way I keep my brushes in hand.
Shadows are there and there will always be, but I like look at the sunny side of things, before the night.
Beautiful post, Rita. My father's birthday was 16 May, almost a week ago, and I have very fond memories. I love your roses! I hope the sun will chase the shadows away soon, my friend.
RispondiEliminaSlowly the shadows seem to fade ... for meeting with my family, I have to wait three weeks ... then laughter and even the short cries of Beatrice and Alice will bring joy and happiness. Thanks for your sweet words.
EliminaSuperbe !!!
RispondiEliminaJ'aime vraiment beaucoup
Merci chère Claudine, pour la visite et pour les mots gentils. Je te souhaite bon dimanche!Bises.
EliminaYour writing is as poetic as your painting, Rita.
RispondiEliminaWe were very, very poor and painting and colour seldom came into the area of South London in which we lived and which was being heavily bombed (World War 2).
But one day a Catholic Priest showed me how to draw over my childish pencil drawing in ink ... and the world changed, until one day I drew in Pen & Ink professionally. Not then my father, but a Roman Catholic 'father' shaped my artistic future.
Lucky that this Catholic father has given you inspiration that changed your life ...
EliminaLive those difficult times, after the bombing, that harsh experiences!
Your life,dear John, is very full of experiences so different. I'm lucky being your blog friend, following your interesting life&art journey
So lovely...
Thanks my sweet friend! Hugs!
EliminaYour words are always so beautiful Rita! Wonderful post and gorgeous roses!
RispondiEliminaEnjoy the rest of the weekend!
Thanks dear Hilda. Express themselves is always a good thing and a great pleasure to share with friends.
EliminaHave nice sunday and a lovely week!
Your flowers are poetry for my visual heart.
RispondiEliminaYour father sounded like an extraordinary man. I enjoyed reading your memories.
My father didn't encourage a career in art because he thought it was a waste of time. I would get married and have kids etc...the old story. My mother was a nurse and knew the value of a woman being able to be independent and she told him I WOULD be accepting the scholarship. As long as at least one parent encourages a child, all is well.
Time progresses and we have become a bit 'what we wanted, a little' what they wanted others for our own good (of course) and then what fate has decreed.
EliminaThe first art school was so far from where we lived that think to do daily six-hour trip, add homework, school hours, it was not humanly possible.
Not being able to do art school, too far away, however as consolation, materials to express my creativity has never lacked.
Painting and words from the heart - wonderful Rita
RispondiEliminaThankd dear Lorraine! Welcome back in blogland!
EliminaChère Rita,
RispondiEliminaTes roses sont magnifiques, et c'est merveilleux de voir tes premières peintures.
Je t'embrasse et je te souhaite un bon dimanche. ♥
Merci Cher Olivier! Gros bisous et bonne dimanche à toi aussi!
EliminaIncredibile vedere come si rimane se stessi ....anche se si cambia ed evolve con gli anni . Hai fatto un bel omaggio a tua padre , starà sorridendo felice e compiaciuto in un altro mondo . Ti auguro una buona domenica.
RispondiEliminaCara Jane,mi sono stupita da sola. Non ricordavo tanto bene quei disegni ma ci ho trovato perfino degli anemoni,disegnati con la rapidograph,non molto lontani da quelli che ho dipinto ora. Le poche volte che libero dal lavoro mio padre ha provato a dipingere...era bravo! buona domenica,Abbraccio,Rita
EliminaQuerida Rita tus bellos recuerdos y tus preciosa rosas, llevan mi gran felicitación
RispondiEliminaY los mejores deseos en tu vida para gozar de tu arte y de tu buen hacer.
Muchísimas gracias por estar ahí.
Muchos abrazos.
Cara Mariluz,grazie!
EliminaLe tue parole così care ed affettuose mi portano sempre il senso della tua calda amicizia. Anche io ti ringrazio di essere qui ,amica mia.
Abbraccio forte,Rita.
Querida Rita, son todos preciosos, no sabría cual elegir, por que cada uno en su estilo es maravilloso. Quiero felicitarte porque siempre mirando tus obras provocas en mi emociones.Besos
RispondiEliminaGrazie cara Eva
Elimina.Dipingere con passione crea a me emozioni che sono felice di trasmettere anche a te.
Un abbraccio affettuoso,Rita.
I do love grissaille paintings! They have a sense of profundity that lends a mystery. But what's up dear friend? There is sadness in this post. Your dad, your oved ones who were so much a part of you are still a part of you hopefully filling you with strength. Celebrate your good fortune to have had them and your art to keep you strong. Hugs.
RispondiEliminaThanks for your lovely words,Linda. I am always facing the sun, but not always life can save me from worries and problems.
EliminaRemembering birthdays of my two parents, born on 19 and 25 May, there is that sense of nostalgia that accompanies last part of life.
My loved today, one day maybe they will think me in birthdays date, which have marked our family life as a day of celebration.
me encanta el efecto de vida que has conseguido con el casi monocromo.
RispondiEliminaMagnífico Rita
Grazie Aurora.
EliminaColori molto vicini tra loro creano sempre molta atmosfera.
Auguri a tuo padre anche se in gran ritardo...complimenti a lui per aver lasciato alla figlia la libertà di colore! Arianna
RispondiEliminaGrazie Arianna. Mio papà gradirà da lassù il tuo pensiero,anche in ritardo!